Thursday, January 16, 2014

The wait

Six weeks. Six weeks til I leave on mission. So far the wait hasn't been too bad, I have been keeping myself relatively busy with little jobs, errands and parties with my friends. I have also been reading some books that will help me on my mission. Besides the standard works, I have been reading The New Testament Made Easier. The letter that I got from my mission presidents said that they frequently reference The New Testament along with The Book of Mormon. Two words: giddy up. I also started reading this incredibly brilliant book called How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Dale Carnegie is a genius, especially when it comes to people. In the book he talks about how he went to a dinner party and talked to a bunch of different people. One particular guy kept talking to him for a longer period of time. When he left, this particular guy said that he really liked Dale because he was so interesting to talk to, but Dale never once spoke about himself. Isn't that interesting? It is proven that you make more friends in a shorter amount of time being interested in others then trying to make people interested in you. The truth about people: they love to talk about themselves. If you know this simple truth, you can make friends with anyone.

Besides reading books, I have also been focusing on other forms of self-improvement. Mainly life coaching. I have decided to do a weekly session with one of my life coaching buddies up until I leave on my mission. I just want to clear anything that is hindering me from having an amazing and a fulfilling life. Last week was my first session in six months and I cleared so much stuff. I forgot how important this is. I felt so whole and complete afterwards and so light. I had another session today and I learned even more about myself. This is my opinion on self-discovery: I feel that in order to become the person that we are meant to become, we must delve into our past and make amends with it. The people, the situations, the false beliefs and perceptions we have about ourselves and relationships. All of it. Because many of us are still living in the past and we bring the past feelings, beliefs and situations into our present experiences. In order to experience a better present, we must release the hurt, surrender it to God and fill up the empty space with truth. You can only attract what you believe you are. But it's a choice. You have to choose the happy life, the good life and the positive life. One does not fall upon it by sheer luck, you must create it. But you can only create it when you have cleared the hurt, the resentment and the guilt. Whatever it may be or however it stemmed to be. It's not easy but it's worth it.

Love yourself and everything else will fall into place. I have to remind self of that whenever I am feeling down.

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